



(最近英語でエントリを書くことにしているのですが、この記事は特性上日本語で書いています) はじめに 今年度ぐらいから(この)hatanablogやtwitterのtweetを英語で書くことを意識的に多くしている。もしくは英語と日本語の両方で書いたりする。先に断っ…

Is there any function in JavaScript which is equivalent to PHP's array_column()?

(please find the Japanese translation after the English text) Please let's me go easy because I'm a newbie about JavaScript :) In order to transform my data, I looked for the function which is equivalent to PHP's array_column() in JavaScri…

Argon2id: password hash algorithm which is introduced from PHP7.3

(please find the Japanese translation after the English text) overview This is the 3rd article about password hash function on php. I’m deeply in love with password hash function :) . In this article, I’d like to explain the Argon2id which…

visiting NTT history center of technologies

(please find the Japanese translation after the English text) Last Friday, I visited the NTT history center of technologies with my family. The telephone switchboard, the first generation pager and mobile phone, ISDN service, and so on, al…